Netoge no Yome Volume 7 Chapter 2 Part 8

TL note: This chapter is available via a link. If you aren’t reading this at Hotdog Translations then you can go visit Novel Updates HERE to be redirected to this site. If you want to avoid clutter in your bookmark, you can just make a reading list at Novel Updates and keep track there. For the actual release, go visit this link HERE.

Reminder that if you like the work, you should support the author by buying the books. You can buy Netoge no Yome volumes at the Kadokawa Bunko Digital Store, BookWalker, or any of the physical stores in Japan (Animate, Gamers, Toranoana) with a proxy. Without support, niche works like these are just going to end up disappearing and all that would be left is trashy run-of-the-mill FOTM.

To those celebrating it, Happy Easter! With the break I got, I’ve finally finished work on the final part before the epilogue. With Volume 7 nearing its end, I can finally look forward to speeding up sharing the details of the story by going the detailed summary route instead. While this may not be favorable to those who want the full experience, all I can say is that learning to read Japanese is still an option. Otherwise, you’ll have to gamble on translators who may or may not have their own agendas, and could possibly not even understand the language at all. It’s a situation that plagues most of the translated manga community as well, but I guess it’s just unavoidable at this point.

Now then, moving on to the contents of this volume: I sure hope you enjoyed this as much as I did. With the housing volume focusing on Schwein, it only seemed natural that we get a Master-centric volume as well, but it being tied to Nekohime was a surprise. And heck, the ending makes it even better by bringing the entire group even closer together. Although after reading this volume, this makes the anime episode where the group goes to Kyou’s “house” a bit weird based on the timelines. Because going by the development, it should have occurred after this volume. Though the anime is limited to one cour, so I can’t really fault it completely for that.

Speaking of the anime, while I do tend to diss on it for the parts they adapted, I still found the character design for the anime great. Hisasi’s art is great, and Akane Yano’s design translated the work into an anime in its own great way. Just look at these crappy photos I took from my phone of the FuyuComi 2016 Netoge artbook by Yano. While I would gladly scan this if I had a spare copy, I sadly do not, so this would have to do. Looking around the net, I also didn’t see any actual scans of this artbook so I can’t provide the digital copy either. That said, I guess I just wanted an excuse to post a small part of my collection. I made sure to get my hands on the short stories that I could due to wanting more Netoge, but there are still some I haven’t procured so there’s still more to buy.

Now then, I’d still like to enjoy the remaining hours of my break so the epilogue would have to wait. Make sure not to fall for any fools this year, and I suppose I’ll be making a post again once it’s Kazusa’s birthday or the epilogue is ready. Until then, take care.

One thought on “Netoge no Yome Volume 7 Chapter 2 Part 8

  1. I’m sad that you’ll only be doing summaries from now on but I completely understand. Thank you again for all your translations. I’m also collecting short stories, let me know what you’re looking for, there’s a small chance I have them. I have the commentary vol 1 at least if you’re missing that.


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