Netoge no Yome Volume 7 Chapter 2 Part 1

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TL note: This chapter is available via a link. If you aren’t reading this at Hotdog Translations then you can go visit Novel Updates HERE to be redirected to this site. If you want to avoid clutter in your bookmark, you can just make a reading list at Novel Updates and keep track there. For the actual release, go visit this link HERE.

Hey everone, it has been a really long while since I last worked on this. Thankfully, the epidemic didn’t get to me, but I did have to take a break due to how I was busy with work, wallowing in White Album2 and other stuff. While I can’t say I’ll be having scheduled releases as before, I would still like to try and work on this whenever I can so that people can still read this great piece of work even though they can’t read Japanese.

Going off on a bit of a tangent with that comment, it was nice to finally have some friends know about the story of White Album2, but I have to say that the so-called fan “translation” really butchered the original. No effort was put into character voices, huge parts read worse than MTL, and they still have grossly mistranslated lines even after they said it needed no more updates on the base work. That group is continuing on with butchering even the Mini After Stories, but I guess that’s really the only way other people would be able to consume the media. Heck, even I don’t think my translation is something you’d call high quality, but at the very least, I believe I put an effort into translating character idiosyncrasies than just doing it all away together. That’s the end of my rant for people butchering my most beloved piece of work.

On to the release then! This next chapter basically continues off of the declaration of the Nekohime Tournament in the previous chapter. If you’ve forgotten about it already, I would suggest reading from the start of the volume to remember what actually led up to this.


The Nekohime Tournament is finally here! It took over a year for me to get back after being beaten down by my decision to stick with cat puns, but the first part to this extremely long chapter is finally complete. It may not finish with the end of the tournament yet, but this part has enough heft to make it extremely interesting. Also, please do let me know of typos and related stuff in this new release if you find any, as I didn’t have much time to look over it.

I also believe I could’ve finished this one much earlier, but when Gundam Evo released, that ate up so much of my time that I couldn’t really do anything else. It’s a much better game than OW2 in my opinion, though the monetization/rewards per match could really use a patch. I’m just hoping Bamco works to keep this game alive instead of leaving it as another pump and dump Gundam game.

Anyway, that’s all I have for everyone now. While I am STILL waiting in anticipation for the release of the next Netoge volume, I’ve been considering buying new light novels to read in my spare time so that I can forget, just for a little while, about White Album2. I’ve been thinking about buying the Date A Live series to read on Origami and Clock, but if anybody has opinions on why I should/should not do so, please do let me know. That’s all for now, I’ll update this again sometime later.

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